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Yooink Documentation


Thanks for checking out the yooink Python package. You can use it to access OOI (Ocean Observatories Initiative) data, specifically the OOI data that is accessible via the M2M (Machine-to-machine) interface.

yooink essentially provides a wrapper around the existing API to make data query and access a bit simpler. It abstracts away some of the things you may not want to code up manually every time - so you can get the data you want more efficiently!


You can install this package from PyPI using:

pip install yooink


In the repository for this project, you'll find a folder called "notebooks" with a collection of Jupyter notebooks that walk users through some steps to get started using yooink.

Credits / References

A lot of what's "under the hood", so to speak, is gleaned from either the OOI API cheat sheet or from this Jupyter notebook that walks through an example set-up for accessing data using Python.

The OOI github organization also hosts this awesome Python toolset if you need something more sophisticated, although it does require a bit more work to get up and running (you'll need to clone it and run locally in development mode).


You can find the Github repository here.